Saturday, 28 December 2013

For the love of lists

Lists, I just love them! As a self-confessed stationery addict, there is not much I like more than getting a new piece of paper, or a fresh page in a notebook and penning a list.

Most of the time when I make a list it's pertinent to the context: a shopping list ready for the weekend trip to the supermarket or farm shop, a list of places to visit on holiday, or a daily task list.

I keep a paper planner which is a Midori Travelers Notebook, and use the Bullet Journal system in my daily pages. Basically a long list!

I also have an A5 filofax (a gorgeous Chilli Cuban) as my mission control at home which hold all the projects lists such as our holiday planning or meal ideas.

In the run up to Christmas and then New Year, I've been making a lot of lists: gift ideas for family and friends, a store list to keep me on track while out shopping (not easy), a list of gifts received so that I can write thank you notes. Today I've used a packing list for our ski holiday.

The most important list for me this week has been the 2014 goals and challenges list. Last year I set myself three challenges: find a weight loss programme and stick to it, find a form of exercise that I can stand to do weekly and find a permanent job. I'm really happy to say that I succeeded with all these, losing over two stone in 12 months with WeightWatchers online, falling in love with Zumba and Fitsteps, and finding a job that I still love 9 months in.

This year I'm ambitious so I've got three sets of goals/challenges: 3 personal goals, 3 family goals (meaning my husband's in on it too) and 3 challenges. I'll be using this blog in some part to document my progress on these.

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