Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Trussell Trust and that article

This is possibly the best response to the Mail on Sunday food banks article: http://squidgetsmum.wordpress.com/2014/04/20/an-open-letter-to-the-daily-mail/.

If you want to donate to the Trussell Trust's Help Crack UK Hunger campaign, visit here: http://www.justgiving.com/crack-uk-hunger

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

YouTube channel!

I've started making videos! I think my channel will be concentrating on planner videos but I might dabble on travel vlogging while we're in the US.

I'm new so be gentle!

Monday, 7 April 2014

The Rights of the Reader

Absolutely love this. Not only is it brilliant but it's also illustrated by Quentin Blake, the illustrator of my childhood:


Saturday, 5 April 2014

Month in Review: March 2014

In preparation for this post I went through my diary and wrote a list of all the things that happened in March - there's a lot! It's been a really busy month so let's get into it!

Lent started on 5 March and I gave up refined sugar and took up reading at least 20 minutes per day. I've kept up with the reading, and finished my book (review coming later this month) but lasted until 29 March with the not eating refined sugar. It definitely has made me more aware of how much of the food we buy contains sugar (most packets of crisps!) but my craving for chocolate at a particularly low point last weekend won out.

We visited my Dad on the weekend of the 8 March, he lives just within the M25, south east of London. It was really nice to visit, see my little brother and sister, and watch England beat Wales in the Six Nations! Mr H and Dad get on well and have a shared interest in rugby. We took the new camera with us and had a lovely stroll around the village in the early Spring sunshine

I've been in my current job for a year and have really enjoyed working with the students and other members of the University. My probationary period is two years, so my boss completed a mid-probation review and gave me some brilliant feedback, which has really reinvigorated me for the upcoming year!

I helped to raise some money for the local Girlguiding Division by participating in a Table Top Sale. Also raised some for the unit! The Brownies decorated a treasure map and it hid the treasure to win the cake! The pirate ship cake was surprisingly easy to put together.

I also visited my mum for Mothering Sunday and had a lovely few days in Kent: see my post in recognition of my Maman.

We've been stepping up the planning for the US trip, less than 100 days now! We've booked a lot of activities: a cowboy cookout, horse-riding and kayaking in Yellowstone, Alcatraz for our time in San Francisco, camping on the edge of the Grand Canyon, and a beer master tour at the Anheuser-Busch factory (Budweiser) in St Louis!

Oh and I also filmed a YouTube video! It's a look at my traveler's notebooks so will only appeal to a certain group but I'm really happy with how it turned out.

Have a lovely April!