Tuesday, 7 January 2014

New Year in the Swiss mountains

There is nothing better than having a week with family, surrounded by snow and spending your days whizzing down steep slopes! Grindelwald in german-speaking Siwtzerland was the setting for my new year week.

It was a week of highs and lows (mostly falls), sunshine one day and really strong winds the next (my 12 year old brother almost got blown off a piste!). Lovely posh do at New Year and an extremely bumpy landing back into London City airport (first time in a while that I've been on a flight where people screamed, swore then applauded the pilots!)

Some pictures of our week below:

You can't get anywhere near a slope without getting on a train (or bus)

Hubby went extreme off-pisting, got lost and walked down a river to get back to civilisation!


A happy Snowflake in snow!

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