Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Being a Brown Owl

As many of my friends know I recently became a Brownie Leader within Girlguiding in the UK. In January I opened my first unit as the Guider-in-Charge, or Brown Owl to the girls.

Girlguiding is an amazing organisation to be part of, it's the one of the largest volunteer-led organisations in the country for girls and women of all ages. I have loved the last year of training to become a leader and try and get involved in lots of activities, often a few too many...

Running a unit is a lot of hard work, particularly in its first term, but I have a fab team of leaders with me. Tawny Owl is my right-hand woman, the calming influence, the one who reminds me of things we need to do when I'm being a bit flighty. Snowy Owl is our Young Leader, 15 but a mature head on young shoulders and the girls love her.

We have 13 girls in the unit, aged 7-9 (Brownies are aged 7-10, at which point they progress to Guides), all different personalities, some quiet, some quirky, all fabulous in their own ways. I really enjoy our once-a-week meetings.

This week we're off to the Oxfordshire Gang Show, a collaborative variety show put on by local Guides and Scouts, all 25 and under. I've been volunteering as front of house staff this week but I'll be in the audience tomorrow evening, I can't wait. There is such talent within the membership and four girls from the other Brownie unit I help at (I'm Little Owl there) are performing. I've promised our Brownies that I will try not to be too embarrassing by singing along!

An extra exciting thing is that we're taking part in Sainsbury's Active Kids campaign where we collect vouchers given to people when they do their weekly grocery shop and it allows us to swap them for equipment. There's also a competition to win your wishlist. So, my loyal readers, it would be great if you could help! If you live near me (and you know who you are) please consider giving me your vouchers (unless you have an equally worthy place to donate them to) or if you are far away, please nominate us to win our list! Details at the top of the right-hand bar.

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